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About Me




Health & Life Coach Certification


Licensed Master's in Social Work, Advanced

Clinical Practice

Concentration: Health, Mental Health, and Disabilities System


Bachelor's in Psychology       


I have always had a passion for working with people and partnering to truly understand their experience, which is what led me to pursue a clinical social work degree. I was passionate about the work but found myself in a state of transition, as so many of us do, which landed me in a job in Human Resources. While the work in HR satisfied my desire to work with others, it was really the culture of the company I worked for that grabbed my attention. Similar to my development as a social worker, I was constantly being pushed by those around me to ask questions, understand why before moving to a solution, and ultimately having the way I viewed the world shaped by the caring teammates and managers around me. The personal growth that was being cultivated in this environment led me to a management role, where I could act as a mentor in the same way those before me had. I found myself spending so much time on coaching sessions with my team because of the value I placed on personal evolution, not just as employees in the workplace, but as individuals within their own lives. It was then that I realized that it was not the HR content that was bringing me energy, but the time spent with the team.​ This realization pushed me to stop and think about what I value, and where I saw myself adding value for others.


Simultaneously, I was also experiencing a journey with nutrition, health, and wellness, which started just over a decade ago when I was suffering from an unknown skin condition. As I sought treatment for this daily discomfort, I found myself feeling frustrated that the ‘solution’ was always served with a prescription and an attempt to mask symptoms. This desire to get at the root of the problem and refusal to accept the quickest answer, led me down a path of exploration and ultimately discovery. As I learned more about myself, I became curious for more information and found myself constantly researching. This knowledge enabled me to use my body as an experiment and put the learnings to the test. Through trial and error, I started to understand the role that different foods and ingredients played in both my mental and physical health. This new understanding brought a feeling of empowerment to take control of my health and my life. With this newfound understanding, personalized solutions, and confidence in myself, I felt a sense of accountability that I had never experienced before. I actually wanted to make the right health decisions because I now knew exactly what the health consequences of not doing so would be. And they were not worth it.


In reflecting on my professional career and personal health experience, it became so clear that all of the work I had done in my personal life followed a similar path to the holistic work being done on my development at work. What felt like a long path of unrelated zigs and zags in my life suddenly felt more like a series of experiences that brought me to my current career of being a Health and Life Coach. Every step I have taken has given me more problem solving and coaching experience than I could have imagined. And it was this realization that led to the program design you will experience with me today. Just like my own journey, this program is one that focuses on self-discovery, knowledge attainment, self-empowerment, and personal accountability.

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